Thursday, June 05, 2008

Flowers and Memories

It has been quite rainy and grey a lot lately, but for a while this morning the sun was shining. So I raced outside to take it all in. (smile) I couldn’t help but notice how pretty the roses and flowers are. They were a bit drenched by all of the rain that we have had, but they are still holding their own. Some petals are scattered along the grass, but some are still holding on and showing their beauty. Here are a couple of photos of the blooms outside.

I sometimes think that there is a mystical quality to flowers. They are so perfect and light and delicate. They are only here for a time and then they are gone. It is like their beauty is their gift to us and it reminds us to enjoy their beauty right then, and to enjoy the moment that we have.

I am a few days late with this, but I wanted to pay tribute to two people. I mentioned the other day how I admired the work of Yves Saint Laurent, who died last Sunday. Well, two other greats passed away and I wanted to mention them here. First of all there was Harvey Korman whom I loved to see in old episodes of The Carol Burnett Show. He was hilarious with Tim Conway on the show. He was a great comic actor. Loved him!

And also, Bo Diddley passed away a few days ago. I have read that he was one of the first musicians to include women musicians in his band. I think that that is so cool. When I heard that Bo Diddley had died, I thought back to a few years ago. I was still living in Georgia, before I was married and came to England. My mom and I used to go on night time runs to the stores for fun, just to beat the crowds. My mom loved to sing along and snap her fingers whenever music came on the radio or was played anywhere for that matter. (smile) She possessed a glorious spirit. Anyway, I used to turn the radio to this station that played blues and R&B classics from the past, to see what they were playing and also because the dj’s were always hilarious and retro and very much of another time. I love the music from the past as well as the music of now. When I turned it to the station, Mom would say, “Oh yeah, turn it up.” I have fond memories of that. (smile) She loved to sing along even if she didn’t know the words. So the music of Bo Diddley and others was the soundtrack of my night time runs to the stores with my mom on warm summer nights with the car windows rolled down. It was the best.

So I say, rest in peace to these two talented men and thanks for the memories. And thanks to my mom for showing me how to live.


Anonymous said...

such a loss for the industry.

Tacoma flowers

Dori said...

Thanks for the comment Arlene. Yes, I totally agree...a great loss. The greats seem to be leaving us in droves lately.


JudyMackeyart said...

Songs to bring back wonderful memories don't they? I love your blog, the title and your musings. I haven't been to England in a long while but I did love visiting Salisbury.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment.

Dori said...

You are so right Judy, songs do evoke powerful memories. I am like you...I do love Salisbury. It has a lovely feel to it. I am so glad that you liked my blog and thanks for your wonderful comment.

All the best,