Sunday, September 21, 2008

International Day of Peace

Just a quick reminder, today is the International Day of Peace. I know we live in tumultuous times, but if you can, please take a moment today and spread some love. Happy International Day of Peace everyone! :-)


Anonymous said...

Hello Dori!
My pleasure. :-)

Elizabeth Harper said...

Thanks for bringing today to my attention!

Love the new picture of you. Even though you have great looking's nice to see a little more.

How can I get one of those?

Jewelry Rockstar said...

Thanks I will share some love and peace today. Ahhhh!

Gypsy at Heart said...

I didn't know. Thanks for telling me Dori. I will.

Unknown said...

Yeah! Peace.

Dori said...

Lots of love! :-)

I'm glad that you like my new pic. I thought that I would do a bit of renewal around here. :-) I got the pic at a site called, Face Your Manga. It was fun to play around with. :-)

Jewelry Rockstar,
I hope you had a peaceful, loving day. :-)

Gypsy at Heart,
After what you have been dealing with, with Hurricane Ike, I do hope you had some peace. Lots of love to you. :-)

Thanks so much for being the wonderful person who pointed this day out to me in the first place my pal. :-) I'm glad that I could help you spread the word.

The Silver Age Sara said...

Thanks for reminding us. There are so many of us in the world who long for nothing more than peace. I hope to see it happen in my lifetime.

Dori said...

Mountain Woman,
I hope for that too...for us all. :)