I just wanted to mention to all of my fellow Entrecard droppers that I have now added a widget to my sidebar that highlights my ongoing list of top ten droppers. Thank you to all of you who have dropped your card at my blog over this last month. I truly enjoy dropping in on all of you too. I have found some wonderful blogs through this experience.
I really do like Entrecard. I know that is how I met you. What a wonderful program.
I like Entrecard a lot too. It has given me so many new blogs to enjoy and I feel a sense of community there. And I will second what you said, I am so glad that we met there. :-)
Entrecard is how you and I meet as well. now you just have got to email and tell me how to do the top dropers widget.mjgolch@gmail.com Hugs
Hey Mike,
I will email you and let you know how I did it. Hugs back to you Mike.
For others who may want to know, just click on the "Gadgets" link under my top ten widget and go under "Enhance Own Website" and then click "Add gadgets to your webpage". You will come to a page with steps on it. Click the link under step one which says, "directory". On the left there is a list, choose "Tools" from this list and then scroll down to the widget that says "Custom RSS" and it will take you through a wizard to configure it. You will need to paste your Entrecard inbox feed into the place on the wizard setup that says "Feed URL". Hope this is helpful for whomever wants it. :-)
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