Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm Still Online and I Need To Be Resting

Hey all, I had planned to write that quick post from earlier and then I was going to lie down. Yeah right...LOL. Well, I'm a bit of an addict so I stayed online and went ahead and dropped some Entrecards on some of my fellow Entrecarders out there ;-) So you may see me in your inbox. Anyway, I guess that I'll log off now. I'm gettting kind of nauseous...LOL. Time to lie down now and be a good patient :-)

P.S. Brit Boy was online too, so I wasn't hardheaded alone :-)


Courtney said...

Thanks for the drop Dori, but don't over do it!


Go get some rest you silly! I hope that the green tea kicks in and that you feel better.

tahtimbo said...

Don't worry about us, we will be here. Please rest and get well soon:)

The Silver Age Sara said...

I'm so sorry to hear you are sick. Please just rest and take care of yourself and feel better soon. Sending you lots of positive energy!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Ah Dori...I know exactly how you feel. Go slow with your recovery. I am just beginning to feel better today and I still am not myself.

I saw that you came by my new blog site yesterday even though you were ill. That was very sweet and I do so appreciate your comment...Paris a perfect romantic escape.

Thank you...feel better soon.

Census said...

Take care and rest Dori. I hope you both feel better soon.

Fresh Writer said...

Hope you get well soon... and happy valentine's day :)

Anonymous said...

Rest up and feel better! You both need to take care of yourselves.

j said...

Hope you're feeling better. As you know, we've been sick and I got sick AGAIN, so I also hope you are taking it easy.

Anonymous said...

I saw that you dropped by my site. Hope you're still getting plenty of rest. :-)

Dori said...

Thank you everybody for stopping by to wish me & Brit Boy lots of get well thoughts and for sending good vibrations :) You're all the best!