Monday, August 10, 2009

My Second Mini Cam Moment - Butterfly

We had a nice weekend around the Yellow House. The weather turned out okay too. Brit Boy has been on vacation this past week and he's off this week too, so we've been doing lots of hanging out. We're planning on taking a trip into London on Wednesday so we're looking forward to that.

On Saturday we had sunny weather and it brought the butterflies out. Here's a short video I filmed with my handy little retro mini cam. So this is the second in my mini cam moments series :-) We have a white and purple butterfly bush or buddleia as it's sometimes called, in our yard/garden and over the last few sunny days, we've been visited by various colorful butterflies. I looked it up and it seems that this is a peacock butterfly, but I'm not absolutely sure. It looks similar though. I'm hoping to get some better video on another sunny day. Butterflies don't hang about so it's hard to catch a good glimpse :-) Anyway, I wanted to share this mini cam moment with you all to let you see a bit of our summer. I did this video from inside whilst looking outside since I didn't have time to make it outside. The clanging sounds in the background are Brit Boy in the kitchen :-) I hope you enjoy this and I hope to get more when the sun shines and the butterflies return again. Have a great day!


BLOGZOOM said...

Dori, I was so happy with your answer because I too love your blog. I was admiring a good time, tasted like a fine wine. I have some poems translated into English and still do not know if they followed the original or on new part.

You are a sensitive person. I love butterflies. I remembered from my school time of childhood when there were butterflies of all colors and sizes.

Thanks again.

Jackie said...

Great share Dori! I am always out chasing butterflies with my camera. They are difficult to get good shots of.

I actually thought about having a blooper day post where I show the 10 or 15 pictures taken before I got the good shot of the butterfly.

This one was very agreeable and you got a wonderful little video!!

Happy week!!:-)

Anonymous said...

Just the other day I was out chasing a butterfly with my camera. There is nothing like forcing yourself to wait until it lands long enough to capture the image you are hoping for.

RE said...

awwwww how cute,re

heidi said...

What a beautiful butterfly! Love your mini cam moments!

The Silver Age Sara said...

Beautiful Dori. You know I was out filming butterflies yesterday. They are just so wonderful.

Petula said...

That's a beautiful butterfly. My favorite color is red!

jacqueline said...

I cannot believe I was jealous of that cute butterfly for a split second...sitting there, lazily sunning itself...not a care in the world. What is wrong with me??? :-)

Thanks for sharing.

Diane said...

Great job!

Go Ask Katie said...

Lovely image Dori. What a nice surprise to find it outside your window. I have joyful feeling when I see butterflies. They have often been around at times of celebration for me :-) Hugs!

Mhar's Display said...

Dori, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Yea, I am very dedicated to saving water.
By the way, how did you do the mini cam?


Unknown said...

Okay, what gives? I thought I was the video master, and here you have a wonderful shot of a butterfly doing its butterfly thing. Well done!


Melana On The Path said...

Hi Dori ~

A true cinematographer in the making! Butterflies are so beautiful and captivating. Thank you for sharing!
By the way, I did respond to your comment on my blog ~ finally! No excuses will do, so I won't bother you with one. With love, Mx

BK said...

Indeed, butterfly don't hang about much, I had seen them moving from one place to another. It was hard to catch a good glimpse. Hope you had a good trip to London on Wednesday. :)

Dori said...

Thank you my new friend :) I'm enjoying visiting both of your sites so much. Yes, aren't butterflies glorious :) When dozens of them swarmed around our tree, it was just magnificent.

Glad you liked my little video :)I’d love to see your bloopers…I bet they’re great still since you take such lovely photos. You have a happy weekend!

You’re right…it takes lots of patience to get those butterfly photos. Thanks for visiting me :)

It was cute and so colorful :)

Yeah, it was so bright and colorful. I loved watching it! Glad you’re liking my mini cam moments :) Have a fun weekend!

Mountain Woman,
Yeah, butterflies always have to power to make us happy :) Have a great weekend!

Yeah, it’s lovely isn’t it :) When you look at these close, their coloring is so intricate. Love them! Thanks for visiting me.

Don’t butterflies just have the best life...they get to look beautiful and then they get to fly around and as you said, they don’t have a care in the world :) Have a great weekend!

Thanks...I’m glad you liked my little video :)

I couldn’t believe my luck in spotting this little beauty outside and then being able to get it on the video in time :) Yes, butterflies bring so much good with them. Hugs back to you :)

I did love your post about saving’s so important. We have so much to protect on our beautiful planet :) As for the mini cam, I just used this older mini camera I have and I recorded the bit of footage. Then I went into the section of my blog where you write new posts and there is an application for video and I just uploaded the video. I hope this answered your question. Have a great weekend! :)

You’re funny! Hey, you’re still the video master around these parts. LOL. I am proud of getting the butterfly on my side though. Have a great weekend! :)

Yeah, I’m kinda liking this filmmaking thing ;-) I do think that butterflies are wonderfully magical and beautiful as you said. Glad that I could share this with everyone. No excuses needed....I love your uplifting blog my friend. Have a great weekend! :)

Yep, butterflies are very fleeting and they do keep you running to chase them :) That’s how I get my exercise :) We did have a good trip to London and I’ll be posting about it this weekend. I’ve been a bit lazy since we got back :) I have some photos and a short video to share.

Census said...

I have buddlias and on the weekend mine were alive with butterflies too. I got shots of great whites, painted ladies...but I did have a peacock...but it was too quick for me. They neaver stay still long enough!!
Seems like the south of England was a good place for butterflies this weekend!!!

Dori said...

Yep, the butterflies were out in full force :-) Those peacocks do get around quickly that's why I couldn't believe my luck. Have a great weekend!

SE'LAH... said...

butterflies are my absolute favourite. they are so free and beautiful.