
Thursday, September 24, 2009

What's On My Bedside Table?

I love blogging. It’s a great way to connect with people from all over the world and also it’s a great way to step back and look at yourself a bit. I’ve been blogging for about eighteen months now and my 200th post is approaching fast. Who would’ve thunk it? (smile) I wonder if I can make it to 300???? (laugh) That’s a thought for a day almost a hundred posts away.

So anyway, I was having a think over the last few days. I was thinking of how I could share more about myself…not that I’m any more interesting than everyone else…cause I am so not. LOL. But, I think the joy of blogging is sharing bits of ourselves with others and then enjoying it when they share things back. I’ve connected with some amazing people over the past eighteen months and I probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t started blogging.

So I got inspired and I had my camera handy and here’s what I came up with. I’m gonna let you see what my messy (smile) little bedside table looks like right now. (smile) Well it’s how it looked last night when I took this photo. So here’s how my bedside table normally looks. I hope you enjoy peeking into my world for a minute.

As you see, I love my books and that stack changes periodically. There’s usually a novel or two there, along with some kind of writer’s reference book or something about writing. And you see here on top of the stack is a little brown book. Well that’s my date book from 2008 and yet I still have it. I usually make notes of things during the day, so it’s kind of a resource now. I probably need to transfer the notes elsewhere into a newer book, but hey, I figured that once I got past the midpoint of this year I figured I may as well keep it. It’s part of my history now. (smile)

Of course there’s my handy dandy red lamp. It doesn’t look like it gives off much light here in this photo, but it is quite a spotlight when you move it around. It’s very adjustable. Plus, this way, if I want to read on my side of the bed, I won’t disturb Brit Boy. So it works out very well and was only £5. Gotta love a bargain. (smile)

Towards the front I have my moisturizing centre. As I’ve written before, I have a hard time with the cold weather here and what it does to my “used to Georgia weather skin”. I’ve acclimated a lot, but I still get dried out like you wouldn’t believe. So this year I’m getting a head start. I’m starting to use this big jar of moisturizer on my hands before the true cold sets in and they start to crack and get raw. And I’m using this little tin of lip balm too. I usually moisturize anyway, but I’ve found that I need a bit more here. But it’s all good…I’m hopefully just laying the groundwork to have glorious skin when I’m 80. (wink)

You can also see I’m a fan of pens. I usually have a pen and a pad of paper so that I can write down stuff. As I’ve written before, my mind usually comes alive overtime at 11am and 11pm, so when this strikes at night, I write what I don’t want to forget on a pad so that I CAN forget it and go to sleep. I’m a big fan of fountain pens, so my fave one is always nearby along with my regular ball points.

Also you have my earrings here…they usually just get dropped where they land if I’m really tired. But mostly I put them away. Last night I guess I was tired. (smile) And then there’s my pink glasses case. I see fine, but I wear glasses when I’m on the computer…it helps my eye strain when I'm in computer land.

Lastly, standing tall and elegant is my little lady figurine that I named Azalea that I bought for very little at a store here. Don’t ask me why I named her Azalea. LOL. She looked like she would have a flower name. She’s lovely and art deco-like and her skirt reminds me of a vase we had back home when I was growing up. I guess I like her just for that reason…she reminds me of home. (smile) And that thought of home back when my parents were alive, gives me a restful way to go off to sleep. It lets me know that things are gonna be fine and more often than not gives me sweet dreams :-)

So what's on your bedside table?


  1. I hear you on trying to make it to 300 posts. I am trying to do a drawing a day and so far I am halfway over the hill to 300 :D

  2. I love this post! It is so lovely to get a little window into your world. I call these "tea and toast" entries and they're great!

  3. Wow. Eighteen months. Time seems to be blowing by like the wind. Congrats! That's the beauty of taking things step-by-step; before you know it, you've built an empire.

    As always, thanks for inviting us into your world and allowing us to learn a little more about you. It was a beautiful and fun post. I enjoyed being a little nosy for a minute. Let's just say, your table is much neater than mine. :-)

  4. I love your blog- I have been admiring it for a while- I love the images of the horses and this post really speaks to me because your bedside table resembles mine! My own little space- my own little altar so to speak. I see you are from Georgia- me too! Now in Phoenix and my Georgia skin does not know how to cope with this arid climate!

  5. More exciting than my nightstand. A friend of mine keeps a pad and pen too, in case a million dollar thought enters in the middle of the night. :O)

  6. It is so nice to come and read your blog, I always enjoy it! I am leaving EC but bookmarking Yellow House and I will still be visiting! :)

  7. It is so fun to see a part of you -the real you!

  8. Table bears a strong resemblance to mine. I love reading, writing, taking notes...all things literature. I too enjoy blogging and thoroughly enjoyed this little snapshot into your life.

    I'm not sure what it is but I always get such a sense of peace when I visit your site. You are really sending some strong vibes across the Atlantic!!!

  9. I do so enjoy your blog! Hope you have a great day.

  10. Dori,great post,On my bed sie table ther is the usual suspects,box og cleanex,lamp,control for the adjustable bed,and a few odds and ends.
    only 18 months,not bad and at 200 posts,Good for you.
    kepp plugging away and eventulally you will be hitting your 1,000 th posting.It took me a little over a year and a half to hit that mark.I have about 20 more posts untill I reach 1200.

  11. What beautiful imagery Dori!! I love this post and your sharing with us.

    Wow blogoversary coming up huh? I will have to do my best not to miss that one!!

    Please forgive me for being away for so long. But, this entire week has been spent compiling a list of my favorite blogs to make sure they are on my roll.

    I am almost positive I added you ages ago but I will double check to make sure!!

    I don't want to lose touch. You are definitely one of my favorite blogs, writers and yes a wonderful photographer as well!!

    I also consider you a wonderful friend!!

    I would love to see even more little peeks into your life in England!!

    Happy weekend!!

  12. Hi Dori,

    Here is a suggestion. Why not take some of the posts and combine them by theme or subject or what you want to be related to eachother and make some PDF E-books from them and sell them?

    You can make quite some books with 200 posts do yiy realize that?

    Think about it? You can sell them on he internet and make nice money, my friend.

    Yesterday I loaded my 3rd post on my blog.

    Warm regards,

  13. I adore posts like this, little windows into people's worlds!

  14. Hi Dori :)

    That is so cute to draw so much about you from one little table. Being an Aussie living in the UK now I also have 'moisturising stations' around the house. I love reading and am just about to go and sit in the sun to read 'Clan of the Cave Bear' again. I read it when I was about 14 and am looking forward to seeing if I enjoy it as much 20 years later. I'm sure I will :). I imaging you are getting some beautiful weather as well and hope you are enjoying it :)



  15. You have a big nightstand...thanks for sharing the contents. You and I met through blog world and I love hearing about your and Brit Boy across the pond experiences:) 300 posts will come soon enough and you will be off to the next milestone.

  16. Very nice - and a great picture too!

  17. Wow, Dori, we're getting to be old time bloggers. It seems as though we've been friends forever.

    Loved the idea about the bedside table. Mine has Kleenex because I sneeze all the time, a flashlight so I don't stumble over dogs in the middle of the night, books (always) and items of a more personal nature :-)

  18. Thank you for sharing some of you! It's always a pleasure to see into the lives of the people we meet in blogland! While reading your stores, I was thinking, I need to share more of me too. Love this post!

    My nightstand looks very similar to your but messier!

  19. Rolfe,
    Good luck with your drawings. Thanks for visiting me :)

    So glad you liked my post. I love the "tea and toast" name :-) Really great!

    Yeah, I can't believe I've hung in there, but now it's second nature to me :) You're so right...it's bit by bit, day by day. I'm pleased that you liked my post :)

    Aww thanks :) I'm so honored that you like my blog so much. Hey, another Georgia girl! See, you understand about the moisture issues :)

    Oh, I hope I get a million dollar idea too. LOL. Thanks for stopping by :)

    Thanks so much for the compliment. That means so much to me and I feel the same about your blog. I love your take on everything :) I will keep visiting you too. I'm so glad I found your blog :)

    I'm glad that you enjoyed peeking into my little piece of the world :)

    I'll bet our tables are really similar indeed :) Aww, you all are so sweet. I'm so glad that you feel peaceful and welcomed here...that is what I have hoped for very much :) You're always welcome here!

    Thank you so much and I'm glad that you enjoy visiting me here :) I hope you have a great day!

    Glad you liked my post :) You are really posting...wow! I've been posting less frequently since I've been doing my course, but once I get finished with that in a few weeks, I'm going to be more regular again. You rock Mike with almost 1200 post! Congrats! :)

    So glad you liked my post :) I had fun writing it. Yeah, I'll be on 200 posts in a short time. Don't worry...I understand about adding to the blogroll since so much is changing in our world currently :) I've been attempting to do the same. Thanks so much for adding me...I definitely have you saved...as you said, can't lose touch :) I'm so honored that you like what I do so much...I can say the same for you my friend. This encouragement from you and everyone else has really spurred me on :) I will definitely share more of my world now that I know many of you would like to see more. And I consider you a wonderful friend too! Have a great day :)

    Thanks for the great suggestion. I've been running a few ideas through my head lately and this sounds like a good one :) I'm at this point where I'm almost finished with my course and then I want to do more, so perhaps this is an avenue to pursue. I will definitely be visiting your blog again my friend. Love it! :)

    Unlikely Oilfield Wife,
    I'm so glad you enjoyed my post. I'll definitely do more in the near future. It was fun to write :)

    Yeah, I think it's very telling when you look at how people are in their spaces :) Fun stuff. See, you understand the need for extra moisture :) I love rereading books after a long while. It's always so intriguing to see how it plays in your head years later. Enjoy your book :) Yes, we have been having our summer in autumn. Blessings to you too...enjoy your day!

    Yeah, I need a lot of space for my junk...LOL. I'm so glad we met here in blogworld and you never know, we may meet in the real world one of these days since you're there in Atlanta :) I'm so glad you love me and Brit Boy's adventures. We're always up to something :) Thanks for always supporting me.

    Valdese Blogger,
    So glad you enjoyed my post and photo! :)

    Mountain Woman,
    Yeah, I think we're getting pretty seasoned now ;-) I know, it does seem like we've been friends for years :) Must be the pleasure that it is. I forgot to add my Kleenex too, it was nudged under the books so I forgot :) I knew we'd have the books in common. Thanks for sharing your list. Have a wonderful day! :)

    You're so welcome! :) Yeah, that's what I love about blogging...seeing the common threads we all share and also the things that make us unique. It's great :)I'm so glad you enjoyed my post and I look forward to reading more as you share with us. Have a great day! :)


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