Thursday, November 19, 2009

Checking In

Hey everybody! :-) I just wanted to check in and say bye for a few days. As many of you know, I'm going home to Georgia for a visit. I'm all packed and so is Brit Boy. I did my best to travel light ;-)

We're headed for the airport early tomorrow morning. The forecast isn't great for our drive up, but we're gonna leave early and take our time.

Take care everyone and if you celebrate Thanksgiving, have a wonderful holiday next week! And if you don't celebrate it, have a great week anyway :-) I'll post after we get back on the 28th, and tell you all about our trip.

Until next time...


Ivanhoe said...

Oh Dori! Have a wonderful and safe trip. If you by any chance have a lay-over in Cleveland, please stop by ;o)

JudyH329 said...

Hey, have fun and just think, I'm only about two hours away from Atlanta in Birmingham!

Mike Golch said...

Dori,I hope that you and Brit boy have a great tripto and from and a great visit as well.

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

Have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear about your adventures:)

Unknown said...

have a safe and wonderful trip!

philly5113 said...

I hope your trip and your stay is safe, happy and exciting. Enjoy youyr visit and home.

Happy thanksgiving!

Agnes said...

Have a wonderful trip :-)

Mandy said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a super trip!!

Sugar Daddy Dating said...

Have a wonderful trip! Have fun and enjoy. We'll be all waiting for your stories of adventure. :)

j said...

You are there by now. I hope you and Brit boy are having a fabulous time -- and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

(Great word verification for this: suppe)

SE'LAH... said...

Hope your travels are going well.

Enjoy the break.

One Love.

Kristine said...

Have a wonderful trip!

Unknown said...

Have a safe trip and a wonderful time back home :)

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Dori I am so happy for you that your coming home for Thanksgiving. What a blessing for all of you.
Enjoy enjoy every minute there
Happy Thanksgiving

The Fitness Diva said...

Enjoy you some grits and cracklin' while you're there, girl! ;)

Or, at least ha' you some hush puppies! So much rich, fatty food in the south, I could list enough dishes to bust anyone's arteries!

have a great trip! ;)

heidi said...

Have a great time!!! We will be waiting to hear all about it!

jacqueline said...

Hey Dori,
Can't wait to hear how things have changed in three years with family and friends. Wishing you and your hubby a safe trip back. :-)

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a wonderful time!

Jason said...

This is a great travel blog that you have here. I'm a first-time visitor, but I like what I see. I have a travel blog myself which I want to be a top resource for those looking for information and experiences on popular vacation destinations.

I would like us to do a link exchange to help spread some traffic around between our sites. Please let me know if this is possible.


BK said...

Hope you had a great trip home.corris

Dori said...

Thanks everybody for your good vibes about our trip :) And I hope that those of you who celebrate it had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was great! I'll be definitely sharing our adventures in watch this space :)

And Jason, please email me about the link exchange :)

Have a great week everyone!