Friday, June 04, 2010

Packing and Some Pictures From Salisbury

Happy Friday everyone! :-) I'm still making my lists for my trip. I have started a series of stacks of clothes to take and I keep adding and subtracting from those stacks. I'm going to be back home for nearly three weeks, but I won't take that many outfits...lifting a suitcase like that would surely break my back ;-) So in order to spare my back I'm thinking strategically with the packing. Never fear. I'm pulling it all together :-)

Anyway, yesterday I took a break from thinking about my trip. Brit Boy and I went to Salisbury to do some errands and things. While we were there, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and wandered down to Salisbury Cathedral. It was wonderful. People were scattered around the lawn surrounding the cathedral, soaking up the sun and enjoying themselves. It was one of those perfectly sunny days that we don't get around here very much :-)

I snapped a few photos to let you all see the beautiful view from the cloisters, near the entrance to the cathedral. I love looking out through the lovely carvings up towards the spire. I hope you enjoy these photos!

Have a great weekend everyone! In my next post, I'll show you the chaos that is my packing ;-)


Nieves said...

Beautiful photos from the cloisters Dori, have a lovely weekend, you must be very excited about your next trip to Georgia, I hope you had a very great time!

Duni said...

Nice shots of the cloisters. The architectural elements are fascinating. Good luck with your packing :)

Jacqueline said...

Magnificent! The architects had a grand time with those.

Mandy said...

What beautiful photos! It looks like a really stunning place and I must make an effort to visit there one day. Hope you have a stunning time back in Georgia!!

Vixen said...

So beautiful. Someday I will get there to see it in person!

Dori said...

I'm so glad that you liked the photos :) Yes, I'm really getting excited about my trip. Thanks for your good wishes!

Isn't the architecture beautiful? It is so detailed. So glad you enjoyed taking a look :)

Absolutely, the architecture is breathtaking! :)

It is so beautiful and I hope you get the chance to visit very soon. It is well worth the trip :) Thanks for your good wishes on my trip home!

It is one of my favorite places to visit. It is such a calming place. I hope that you get to visit someday soon :)