
Friday, September 03, 2010

The Moon and Happy Feet

It’s a beautiful sunny Friday here in Wiltshire. It seems that nowadays we get all of our beautiful weather in September instead of during the summer months. Better late than never I always say :-) Although while I was gone home to Georgia in June, Brit Boy tells me that the weather here was lovely. He blogged about it here. So I'm making up for missing it then. I’m soaking up as much of that vitamin D as I can.

This is gonna be a random post…I forgot to mention that in the opening :-) Okay, so I can’t remember if I’ve written here before about how much I love the moon and can gaze at it forever. I’ve always been intrigued by it and its beauty has the power to just stop me in my tracks when I catch sight of it. I’m sure that many of us have been enticed by a full moon or two or a few hundred in our lives. There is just something about that beautiful orb up there. When I’m gazing at our beautiful moon, I often think of the longevity of it and how my parents, grandparents, and all of the people who have ever lived on this planet have seen that same moon throughout their lifetimes. It makes me instantly feel connected to humanity through the ages. And I don’t just get excited by the full moon…oh no…I love the crescent moon too :-) It’s all amazing to me!

So last night, I was fiddling around with my camera and trying to photograph the moon because it looked like I could reach out and touch it. Well I did miserable at it. LOL. To tell you the truth I wasn’t really trying. It was late and I wasn’t using a high powered camera. I was just fooling around. I’m easily amused as I’ve mentioned before and I’m a night owl, so I just let it flow ;-) The photos turned out blurry and weird, but I like the eerie way it looks. So I want to share one of them anyway, just for a Friday laugh. LOL. And no, I was not drunk. LOL.

In other news, I’ve received a couple of comments here and on Facebook about my shoes that I wore on our trip to London last Saturday. Let me tell you, I LOVE those shoes!!! :-) They are so comfortable! For all you bloggers out there, you know how sometimes you get a meme or something and it asks you to tell something about yourself? Well my choice of footwear is something I’d like to share ;-) As you will notice from the photo, these shoes don’t have laces on them and they are my absolute favorite shoes. You know why? Because I really dislike untying and tying shoe laces. LOL. I'm sure there's some psychological reason behind this, but it doesn't faze me...I guess I would just say that I like ease in life and there are other things to think about besides my shoes ;-)

I learned how to tie my shoes many moons ago like everybody else, but I have developed this thing about not bothering with tying shoe laces. Even when I wear other sneakers, I will wrench them onto my feet somehow so I won’t have to untie them. LOL. I know…I'm a quirky chick. LOL.

So when I found these shoes I was in love!! ;-) Actually, these are the second pair of this style of shoe for me. Here’s the old pair that I still wear even though they’re a bit worn out now.

Interestingly enough, I bought both pairs of these shoes on visits home to Georgia, a few years apart. I bought the beige ones at the end of 2006 and I got the black ones when I went home in June. They are Skechers brand and they make my feet happy. They look nice on the foot and the best part is that they just slip onto my feet. Now isn’t that a beautiful thing ;-)

So this is the end of my random post and I will say here, that I was not paid to say something nice about these shoes or compensated in any way whatsoever. I just felt like sharing some info about these shoes, because you never know…there may be others out there who just don’t like tying their shoes either ;-)

Have a great weekend everyone and to all the folks back home in the States, have a Happy Labor Day weekend!!!!


  1. Happy Labor day to you too! :O)

  2. have a wonderful weekend. love the sneakers!!

  3. Have a great weekend! I love those shoes too and I also put on my old running shoes without untying the laces, as much as I can!

  4. my daughter loves her sketchers...they are comfy.

    happy long weekend.

  5. Yaaay!!! congrats on receiving your diploma of/or with distinction. i can't remember which. but i read about it in the blogher newsletter.

    you makes us girls back in the states so PROUD!!!! woohoo!!!

  6. I love random posts! Yes, I agree that the moon is beautiful and there's nothing like a clear night when there's a full moon. Just gorgeous!

    LOL I also hate tying and untying my shoes! I always try to just slip them on and off. Sketchers are also my favorite! I love the Shape-Ups!

    Ooh, I also wanted to let you know that you won a blogger award! You can collect it here: http://americangirlinbristol.blogspot.com/2010/09/cherry-on-top-award.html

    I hope you had a great weekend! My Labor Day Weekend consisted of working. Blah. But at least I got double pay and I have the next couple of days off! :)

  7. Oh btw Dori, a big Congratulations on making Go Overseas! Top Ten Blogs in England! You really deserve it! :)

  8. Diane,
    I hope you had a great Labor Day! :)

    I hope you had a great weekend too! And aww, thanks for your congrats on my diploma and for your truly, truly kind words :) I'll do my best because I always want to make my girls proud :)

    I'm so glad to find out I'm not the only one. LOL. Kindred spirits! ;-)

    Absolutely! They are my faves :) I hope you had a great long weekend too!

    So true...the moon is just amazing! See, I knew there were others out there who don't want to bother with the shoes and untying. LOL. I've seen the Shape-Ups but haven't tried them...perhaps they are next ;-) Thanks so much for the blog award! I will be posting it very soon. And YAY for double pay! I hope you enjoyed your other days off :) Yeah, I was amazed about the Go Overseas thing and so pleased!


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