Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today I want to remember all of those who were lost on 9/ the Twin Towers...the Pentagon...and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

They cross my mind from time to time and remind me to never take life for granted.


Anonymous said...

yes. may peace prevail on earth, and in our time.

Dori said...

I totally agree :) Well said.

Mike Golch said...

We can only hope and pray that everyone will join together in the name of Peace on Earth in our lifetime.

William k Wallace said...

As much as I would love to see world peace in my lifetime...I'm a realist, men have been waging war almost ever since time began!

Dori said...

You're right...that's the key, we have to hope and pray and do the work to bring peace. Hugs to you my friend :)

I am a realist too and an optimist on top of that and I look at it this way, if I go around thinking that there is no way for things to be better just because that's what mankind has always done, then I may as well give up on most things. Nothing is ever certain and many things have been really hard throughout history, but people didn't give up because they were hard or seemingly insurmountable. Things like the Civil Rights Movement come to mind for me personally. I don't know if more peace will come to the world in my lifetime, but I pray everyday that it will be so within the lives of future generations. Maybe one day the human race will see that war is pointless.

A said...

Can't believe it's been 9 years.

Dori said...

That's just what I was thinking. Time goes SO quickly.

BLOGZOOM said...

My dear friend, me too. Here in Brazil also remember this day. I clearly remember the day 11 September 2001, where I was and what he was doing. I believe it was one of the most horrible things I've ever seen in my life.

Dori said...

You are so right. It was one of those days that we will collectively never forget.