Monday, January 03, 2011

Pushing That Reset Button

Hello everyone! So, here we are in a new year...Happy New Year everyone! I hope that everyone had a safe and happy start to 2011. I know that it’s already January 3rd and I’m a little late, but hey, can’t be helped…lol ;-) I was a good blogger and posted a greeting to go up at the stroke of midnight here, so I got it in under the wire :-)

For me, today seems more like the “start” of the new year because it’s a Monday and I was so laid back with the new year coming on a Saturday. I guess that today feels more like “back to business day”, so it’s feeling more official to me in some ways. Don’t get me wrong…I love a weekend holiday, but today for me feels like a reset button has truly been pushed :-) And I imagine it must feel like that for some of you out there too!

I must admit, I’ve been struggling a bit on the personal front lately, but I’m ready to face things with a whole new perspective in my life. And it’s not all about the idea of the new year fully…it was just time, but it certainly never hurts to have a shift like a new year to be a helpful catalyst in these things :-)

My blog over the past several months has become indicative of how my life has been of late…kind of detached and not engaged fully like I want it to be. I know that some of you who have visited my blog in the past and are still visiting it (bless you…thank you) may see a difference, or maybe you don’t (bless you again). However, I feel it and see it. I want my blog to get better as I get back to better feelings in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I wake up every day and am grateful for the blessings in my life, but lately I just have the need to feel more fully here again. I want to feel more awake in my own life again, so I’m opening my eyes today :-)

As some of you may know, I mentioned here before about some health issues I’ve been having, well I’m happy to report that I’m going to be fine. I got a bit of a wakeup call in regards to my health and even though it has been physically painful to go through, this situation has refocused me. So as they say, it’s all good :-)

Therefore, I’m re-dedicating myself to writing this blog. This blog grew out of my need to express myself and to engage with others and that idea got lost somewhere. I’ve loved writing my whole life, but I’ve found it very difficult to write here over the past several months. But I realize now that some of that stemmed from my disconnection in my everyday life. So I’ve taken a good hard look at myself over the past few days and I realize that I want more in my life…creativity, engagement, etc.

Today seems like a good day to begin again in many ways :-) I have always loved being creative and I’ve been yearning for that again lately. One day I sat wondering what could I do to bring more oomph and expression to my life again…and I sat there pondering this. Then I smacked myself on the forehead and said, “Well you do have a blog you know…so express your little heart out!” LOL. It was one of those light bulb moments and so now I’m just going to get out of my own darned way! ;-)

So today I am coming back to my blog with a new perspective. Hopefully I will have something good to share here from time to time and I’ll write more often like I used to do. This will all be step by step, day by day, but it will be fun to peel back those detachment layers that I’ve built up. This will definitely be a good thing as I dust off my fiction writing aspirations. I hope that you will come along with me as I hit the reset button… starting… now! :-)

Until next time…


Diane said...

Hope all is well. Sounds like a great new beginning to the year. :O)

Jennifer said...

Dori -- I'n glad you're ok and ready to blog again. We all go through these down times. I'm looking forward to reading more in 2011.

Happy New Year!

Emm said...

Hi Dori! I must say, when I saw the title, I thought maybe it was bad news and you'd decided t go the other way but I'm happy to see that you've got your groove back!

Have a great blogging 2011 and a speedy recovery on the personal side.

Simone Rene said...

Happy New Year Dori! Here's to continued beginnings :)!!

VaBookworm87 said...

I've hit a slump as well, and plan to reinvest myself in my blogging :) So I'm right there with you! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...


Brit Boy said...

It's new beginnings all round right now. I know this is going to be a great year! I am looking forward to reading your blog posts just like everybody else :-)

RE said...

Happy New Years Dori Dear. how are things in the countryside ? did you hear that ATL got snow today.. yes 1 whole inch. and the city is shut down. I'm sure your smiling after hearing that. May this year be a beautiful and peaceful year for you and hubby.

Dori said...

I'm doing great :)That's what I think too...a great new start! And I wish the same for you!

Thanks :) You are so right! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog too. You are a gifted writer lady! Happy New Year!

Thanks! I'm glad that you're glad I'm going to be still blogging :) Your support is so appreciated. I look forward to lots of fun blogging in 2011 and thanks for the the personal wishes too! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Absolutely! :)

It's great to have a sister in blogging ;-) May we both go forward and have a great 2011 with our blogging!


Brit Boy,
Aww, thanks. Definitely new beginnings in so many ways. I'm always glad to have you with me :-)

Happy New Year to you too! :) Things are fine here...just I did hear about the snow back home and it's interesting to me that it just reminds me of England in that way. When we had the snow here in January & recently in December, things shut down & there wasn't a ton of snow everywhere here either ;-) Some places got more but everywhere certainly didn't. So both places have that in common and hey, it's always fun to have an unexpected day off...LOL ;-) And thank you dear, I also truly wish you and your family a beautiful and peaceful year too! :)

Alison said...

Glad to hear your health is now ok, and always nice to see your posts :)

Dori said...

Thanks :)