Hi there! I just wanted to check in and say hello. I'm currently in the middle of studying for my exams, so I'm not able to post here like I wish I could. I'll get my other photos up that I promised to share very soon. By June 15th I will be finished with my exams and then I will be a posting fool :-) Of course there's also something else keeping me from posting, even if I didn't have exams. You see, my laptop has decided to stop working, so I can't get to my photos and things. So please wish me luck that we can get my laptop fixed and that all will be well. I'm using Brit Boy's laptop right now, so I have a small bit of internet access. Yay!
Anyway, I look forward to getting back here soon with my laptop and photos all in tact. Now it's back to studying. Thanks for continuing to visit me here!
Until next time...
Hi Dori,
the best thing I did in the last months was to buy a new computer, a moment comes that you need to recycle.
I understand what you're saying and that is true, but mine is only like a year old and it's already acting up and that annoys me :) We really can't afford to buy another computer right now and a lot of things for school are on my laptop, so I'm praying for a miracle :) Wish me luck! I hope you have a great weekend. Hugs!
Hang in there, just two more weeks! I know you can do it! You can deal with the laptop issue later :)
Hugs from Ohio,
Lo más importante es que termines tus exámenes, ¡muchas suerte!
Thanks SO much for the encouragement and support! I will do my best! :)
Yes, the exams are the main thing! Thanks so much for the good wishes and for stopping by to visit me! :)
Good luck with the exams. And here's hoping you get the laptop fixed.
Thanks so much for the support! I hope you have a great weekend! :-)
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