Friday, January 23, 2015

Floral Friday Photo

Hello! :-)

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm going to be sharing a photo here on Fridays. Sometimes it'll be kind of random, but random is good ;-)

So today's photo is simple. As you can see it's some lovely flowers. I love having flowers around in the winter to brighten things up every once in a while. I can't have them all the time, but once in a while is nice.

If you visit me here on a regular basis you also know that I love playing with Photoshop. I've had Photoshop for years, but I'm still such a newbie with it. (Hee hee) One day I'll sit down and learn what it can really do, but for now I'm content to fiddle with it. I think it's like doodling for me. I've always drawn little pictures in the margins of things I'm writing, so I'm a doodler. And the more that I think about it perhaps this is a kind of digital doodling for me. I don't know. Just a thought. (shrug)

The photos above are the original and the ones that I fiddled around with on Photoshop. Looking at them now, they look kind of like floral postage stamps. Lol.

Anyway, that's my photo for today :-)

I hope that everyone has a great weekend!


BLOGZOOM said...


the daisies were part of my childhood and why I like them so much


Dori said...

Me too! They make me think of being outside playing when I was a child. I love that we share this :)