Friday, May 15, 2015

A Friday Photo and Green Tutus

Today's Friday photo is from July 2013. This is from one of my many walks around the woods of Wiltshire over the years. I love taking pictures of trees because of the color and just the beauty. A lot of the time I'm just snapping photos of everything because I'm so excited. I love the solitude when I take a walk like this. It often makes me think of walking around on our family land back's just you and the trees :-) I feel connected to nature during the moments here in Wiltshire and the moments that I had back home and in the scheme of things it all connects because it's all one world.

This photo is kind of odd because I only got a portion of the tree in the picture due to it being so tall, but I like that it looks as if the tree is wearing a tutu. Totally random would be fun to have a green tutu...Lol. Green is my second favorite color after all. Lol. Okay, I'm back ;-)

Anyway, that's my photo for today. I hope that you have a great weekend wherever you are!

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