Sunday, May 19, 2019

Finding My Way

I found this photo above's from my early days of blogging. It's well over a decade old. It's a bit blurry, but there's something about it for me personally. I didn't go looking for this photo specifically, but I stumbled across it and it spoke to me. It reminds me of seemingly "simpler times"...or maybe not that simple, but it was taken during a time when I felt a bit more at peace. I love this photo because it prominently features nature...especially the beauty of a spring day. That bench looks so inviting. I remember the day when I took this. It's a visual representation of where I go in my mind or at least try to when things get tough. 

Here's to finding my way back to this bench in my mind's eye more and more. I'm working on it. Today was better than yesterday :)

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