Sunday, May 05, 2019


Happy Sunday!

The photo above features my beautiful maidenhair fern. She's a bit of a resurrection and renewal story for real. Half of her had gone all brown and yellow only a couple of months ago. She was in a sad state. I'm not as green thumbed as my mother was, but I'm working on becoming a better gardener. I love the peace that it brings.

I realized that I was overwatering her and perhaps the bone-chilling ongoing cold of our Wiltshire weather was not helping. Before, I tried to think of what my mom would do and then after thinking it through, I realized that I was overwatering my fern. I thought that I was doing what was right, but I realized that I was suffocating her...drowning I took a step back. And guess what? She's been flourishing :) It's been a lesson for me to relax a bit more in growing as a gardener, but also in my life. The lessons are there and I'm listening.

Have a good Sunday wherever you are :)

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